Take care of each other.
Kelin Loe, Ph.D. Assistant Professor and Writing Center Director
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- Staff

Contact Kelin
Talbot Hall 103
Related Department
Literature and Languages
Educational Background
- Ph.D., English, St. Olaf College, 2021
- M.A., English, Western Illinois University, 2015
- MFA, Creative Writing with Specialization in Poetry, 2012
- B.A., English; BA Asian Studies, St. Olaf College, 2008
Honors and Awards
- Dissertation Research Grant, University of Massachusetts Graduate School, 2018
- “Let's Listen With Our Feet: Animals (Non/Human, Neurodivergent), Vulnerability, Haptic Rhetoricity.”Rhetorical Animals: Boundaries of the Human in the Study of Persuasion. Kristian Bjørkdahl and Alex C. Parrish, eds. Landham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2018.